Pt. 1. The barbarian kingdoms. 1. Attila is dead : the early barbarian kingdoms
2. A double pestilence : Ostrogoths and Byzantines in Italy
3. The arrival of the Longobards
4. The Franks and the emergence of France
Pt. 2. The Muslim empire. 5. God, his prophet, and war : the origins
6. The conquest of the Fertile Crescent : Muslims in Syria and Iraq
7. The Muslim strike into North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula
Pt. 3. New invaders and the expansion of the west, 800-1300. 8. Armor, weapons, and soldiers
9. Protecting the borders against the new enemies : Vikings and Magyars
10. The Norman Conquest of England
11. The war against walls
12. The way of the masters : men on horseback
13. The way of the commoners : soldiers on foot
14. The Crusades, or God at war
Pt. 4. The end of the Middle Ages, 1300-1453. 15. The Hundred Years War : a matter of contradictions and resilience
16. The Maid of Orléans and women at war
17. "Waging war gives me bread
18. New weapons, new men, new ideas.