Part one, Critical essays
Elizabeth Bishop: questions of memory, questions of travel / David Kalstone
Domestication, domesticity, and the otherworldly / Helen Vendler
The idiom of a self: Elizabeth Bishop and Wordsworth / Robert Pinsky
"In prison": a paradox regained / David Lehman
"Old correspondences": prosodic transformations in Elizabeth Bishop / Penelope Laurans
A cold spring: the poet of feeling / Alan Williamson
The impersonal and the interrogative in the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop / Bonnie Costello
One art: the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, 1971-1976 / Lloyd Schwartz
Elizabeth Bishop's "Natural heroism" / Willard Spiegelman
Archaically new / Marianne Moore
A modest expert: North & south / Marianne Moore
On North & south / Randall Jarrell
On North & south / Louise Bogan
North but south / Oscar Williams
From "Thomas, Bishop, and Williams" / Robert Lowell
New verse: North & south / Arthur Mizener
"Senhora Helena" / Marianna Moore
From an interview / Robert Lowell
From "Fifty years of American poetry" / Randall Jarrell
On "Skunk hour": how the poem was written / Robert Lowell
From an interview / James Merrill
The complete poems / John Ashbery
On The complete poems / Robert Lowell
For Elizabeth Bishop 4 / Robert Lowell
Comment on "In the waiting room" and Herbert's "Love unknown" / Richard Howard
From a conversation / Mark Strand
Elizabeth Bishop, or the power of reticence / Octavio Paz
On Elizabeth Bishop / Frank Bidart
Invitation to Miss Elizabeth Bishop / William Meredith
Description and imagination in Elizabeth Bishop's "The map" / Sybil P. Estess
Elizabeth Bishop in Brazil / Ashley Brown
Her craft / James Merrill
Elizabeth Bishop introduction / Mark Strand
Elizabeth Bishop's mappings of life / John Hollander
Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-1979 / Lloyd Schwartz
Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-1979 / Robert Pinsky
Elizabeth Bishop, 1911-1979 / James Merrill
Elizabeth Bishop / Richard Wilbur
Symposium: I would like to have written ... / Mary McCarthy
Part three, In her own words
From "Gerard Manley Hopkins: notes on timing in his poetry" / From two letters to Marianne Moore about "A miracle for breakfast"
From "Gregorio Valdes, 1879-1939"
Review of XAIPE: seventy-one poems by E. E. Cummings
It all depends [in response to a questionnaire]
From "What the young man said to the psalmist"
From "The manipulation of mirrors"
From Introduction to The diary of "Helena Morley"
On Life studies by Robert Lowell
An interview with Elizabeth Bishop / Ashley Brown
On "The burglar of Babylon"
Lines written in a copy of Fannie Farmer's Boston cooking school cookbook, given to Frank Bidart
On Golden state by Frank Bidart
From "A brief reminisence and a brief tribute"
From book-of-the-month club interview
Statement for the English memorial service for Robert Lowell
"The work!": a conversation with Elizabeth Bishop / George Starbuck
Bibliography / Lloyd Schwartz.